3 Gifts Government
As you all go to bed or stay up celebrating the president or legalized marijuana in Colorado or gender equity marriages in Maryland or the fact Sonic has finally come to the Northeast. I'm going to do something that may blow your mind. I'm going to, completely abstaining from my political opinions, give thanks to G-d for our government, and I have a feeling that I'm going to go over the 3 gift stipulation.
- I'm thankful that, agree or disagree, I am a citizen of a country that doesn't kill me for my political opinion. Seriously. I don't want to hear about your conspiracy theories, because they only degrade the people who do live in a country that doesn't allow them to disagree with the person leading them. I can call any politician I want a complete idiot or any other name I can think of (as I'm sure almost all of you are at this moment) without any serious repercussions, and I take this for granted so much of the time. Heck, the fact that you're reading this at all is proof that I have this right. (Not even all "Developed" countries have the right to say what they'd like about their leaders.) I guess I could boil this down to being thankful for the freedom of speech, even though the way some people choose to use it really bothers me, it's a wonderful gift to have.
- I'm thankful for and incredibly proud of my family's deep ties to the founders of this country. As I continue to study my family history, I'm finding more and more familiar names that played big parts in the foundation of the USA, and I couldn't be more proud. Who those men were and what they stood for still is at play in our country. Sure, maybe it's not playing out the way you or your religion would like, but it's still playing out because of things these men set into motion.
- Speaking of your religion and the founding fathers, I'm incredibly grateful for our freedom of religion. Again, no matter how "oppressed" you think you are in America, you're not being killed for your religion. I'm not saying people don't persecute you; I know what it is to be persecutes for having a different religion from those around you. I am, however, saying that it's not government sanctioned, and that, friends, is a big deal.
- I'm thankful that I have the right to vote. I'm not sure I understand the need for an electoral college, but I do at least have some say in what happens. Even if you're a Democrat in a Republican state, there's a lot more on your ballot than the names of the presidential candidates. Speaking as a woman who spent a good three to five hours filling in her ballot, I would know. Voting this year frustrated the crap out of me, what with the obviously biased writing of the ballot and the people who bought their ways onto it, but, at the same time, I still treated the paper with a certain reverence, and, to be honest, I'm a bit disgusted by the people who don't.
- I'm thankful that I am a citizen of a country that takes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for granted. I mean, really. Stop and think about that. That's a BIG deal. Ladies and gentlemen, we are FREE, and all we do is complain about it. Seriously - pull yourself together and think about the gifts our government gives us.
- I'm thankful that my government allows me ways to avoid it. If I don't like what the government is doing, I can leave my country... and I did, if you don't remember. Granted, I didn't leave my country for political reasons, but I will say that it has been nice to mostly escape from politics for a while. I could fully escape if I wanted to delete my Facebook, but, I'm a product of my generation, and that thought seems unfathomable to me, so I just hide your political posts from both sides of the line and try to continue on my ignorant way.
- I'm thankful that my future doesn't feel bleak or hampered by my government. Maybe that's really just my disposition, but I still feel like my future is wide open, and I love it. I still feel like I could do almost anything if I really set my mind to it. My Olympic career is pretty much blown at this point, but, other than that, I think I'm good. I know others that aren't in that position, and it really does make me so grateful for what it is I do have.
I'll get off my soapbox for the moment, but, rest assured, push me beyond my pursed lips at a degrading comment, and I'll be happy to take it up again.
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My friend Toni and me, celebrating the 4th of July in Germany... Cultural sensitivity: naught - American pride: one. |
Love and PEACE to you all, and happy election night.
Thanks, Momma!