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Blessing #37 - The trash pile at Kara Kara Spa
Today was a strange day for me, for many reasons upon which I'm choosing not to expound. The result was, however, that I spent the day very high strung.I taught my first round of Saturday classes at a school other than my normal one, and I enjoyed it. I'll be posting more about that probably sometime this week. I'm doing a revamped Superheroes study with them, and, if it continues to go this well, it will end up on my lessons plans blog. My uncle draws a comic strip that I've always admired, and, as such, he also instilled in me quite the enjoyment of superheroes. They're not as high up there as Harry Potter, but they're higher than most people would expect. (My favorite is Batman, but, as I told my kids, Wolverine is my boyfriend.)
After teaching, I met up with Adam Thomas to be part of the cast for his next two videos. They're going to be pretty amusing, and helpful for my classroom, even though we're using different textbooks. The joy of a national curriculum is that all the kids learn the same things before the school year is over, so I can still use Adam's materials.
For the final scene that we shot, we needed to be around a dumpster, so I showed everyone where I salvage newspapers to line my rabbit's litter box. As we were walking up, we see a guy very clearly getting ready to throw away his guitar. I held my breath, looked at Adam, considered the fact that he was able to bring his guitar with him, and said, "MINE." He said, "Okay." My whole body tensed for the split second it looked like the guy was going to smash the guitar, but he was participating in what could only have been a date to the trash center, so he refrained. As a result, I got this:
There's a little bit of damage to the neck and fretboard, and it's missing the 9v battery cover, but they all seem extremely fixable. It even had new strings on it, so I'm figured the guy must have over-tightened the strings, putting the neck and fretboard under too much stress, thus causing the damage, which he tried to repair by screwing te fretboard to the neck, and that did not work out too well.
However you look at it, I'm excited. It felt good to have a guitar in my hands again.
What do you miss doing the most?