Tuesday, March 19, 2013

He still listens.

A long, long time ago, I asked you to pray for my Compassion kid Enock.  His sister had gone out into the fields and not come back.  When they found her, she wouldn't (or couldn't) talk. She spent a lot of time in and out of hospitals, draining the family of money, which required Enock to stop attending school from time to time in order to help his mother sell kerosine.  Everyone was pretty stressed out about it, and you came out in hoards to help me pray for him and his family.

Well, I got some news!

Our G-d still does miracles. :)

Enock's sister is out of the hospital and living at home.  She helps the family out and is well on her way to recovery.  She still acts strange and worries Enock sometimes, but, she is leaps and bounds from where she had been.

Enock's mom, Enock, his sister, and some onions they were able to buy so they could keep Enock in school full time.

Praise G-d for His mercy.  He still listens.

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