Friday, March 23, 2012

Lent: Talking point

***Don't forget to sign the petition (and this one too!) to save refugees from North Korea!***

Blessing #29 - My public school education.
I know, it's not for everyone, but, just like I don't try to shove public school down your throats, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to shove homeschooling down mine.  The correct answer depends on the child, and, trust me, homeschooling would have been an awful choice for me.  I know because we tried it briefly.

My high school made the news recently.  It's pretty embarrassing, actually, but I'm still grateful for it.  I was exposed to so many things that I wouldn't have been otherwise there.  I got the opportunity to learn how other people and other cultures think and function.  I learned how to question why I (or my parents) believed.  I learned how to stand on my own two feet.  Education-wise, I learned all the key material, but not much more, but that's okay  I still did very well in my class and SATs, so I'm not worried about it.  I'm just very glad my parents made the choices they did.


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